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cirrocumulus cloud中文是什么意思

用"cirrocumulus cloud"造句"cirrocumulus cloud"怎么读"cirrocumulus cloud" in a sentence"cirrocumulus cloud"的同义词


  • 卷积云


  • In meteorology , they are called cirrocumulus clouds
  • Under the influence of atmospheric waves which are often present at high altitudes , the clouds line themselves up and move with the upper level winds , forming the cirrocumulus clouds having a fish - scale appearance
  • Cirrocumulus clouds are high clouds , generally with a cloud base at above 6000 metres where the temperatures are several tens of degrees celsius below zero . they are composed of tiny ice crystals and are thin and translucent
  • The occurrence of cirrocumulus clouds indicates the distant presence of a convergent zone such as a pressure tough or a cyclone in lower levels ; or a frontal zone where cold air meets moist warm air . vigorous convection and lifting motion bring water vapour up in the sky where the water vapour sublimes into ice crystals , forming the high clouds
  • Mackerel sky , not twenty - four hours dry describes the deterioration of weather after the appearance of cirrocumulus clouds . although it may be bright at the beginning , the weather will deteriorate in half a day s time as the cyclone or front approaches . as they pick up more moisture , the cirrocumulus clouds thicken and extend downward to become low - level clouds which bear rain
用"cirrocumulus cloud"造句  


  • a cloud at a high altitude consisting of a series of regularly arranged small clouds resembling ripples

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